Friday, 22 February 2013

The Mirage!


This, being my first post on my first blog, i wanted it to be something that connects with everyone around the world, whether you are from Asia, America, Africa, or any other corner of the world...this article is for "YOU".
And i realized, this "something" that everyone runs around for every given day, whether knowingly or unknowingly, intentionally or un-intentionally, consciously or sub-consciously, is "happiness"!

We all want a good job, the latest cell phone in the market, a stylish car, a huge house..we wanna stay young..we want a beautiful girlfriend/life partner..
the question that arises here, is...WHY?!
the answer given to this is simple..
Everyone wants to be happy!
isn't it the biggest irony of life that we actually come to think of the above entities as the sole giver of "happiness", while these are the entities which have a BIG role in snatching happiness away from us!

Some people think they would  find happiness in showing off their possessions to others, some believe happiness can be found in living life "king size", some people try to get happiness by putting others down, or worse, hurting others etc etc.
However, the most refreshing and long lasting breeze of happiness is attained, not by the above mentioned  activities, but ironically, by actually "GIVING" to the society! quite contrary to what we all think eh?!
You may want to try this out..whenever, however low you may be feeling, for whatever reason it may be..just go out..and GIVE to the world! help an elderly person cross the road, give charity and i guarantee your heart would be both lightened and enlightened!

Don't run around the deception created by the me, you wont get happiness from a trendier cellphone, a more stylish car, or money! its just a mirage! Observe that a poor urchin can be happier than a millionaire!

"Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it."
- Groucho Marx


please do comment your views..friendly debates and opinions are welcome! :)