Sunday, 10 March 2013

Hidden Portals within the Earth?

During the time it takes to read this article, high up in the atmosphere, something will happen. A portal will open, linking the earth to a location 93 million miles away.

Yes, you can stop laughing. Because it really will, as it turns out!

The human race, has come a long way from inventing the wheel to proving what was touted as science "fiction" as "facts".
Mainstream science is now discovering new concepts which will change our basic understandings of the universe we see around us. 
Artist rendition of earths magnetic field being connected to sun.
A "wormhole", often featured in sci-fi flicks, are supposed to be hypothetical tunnels through the space-time fabric, which link extremely far-off locations.

Portals do actually exist, sort-of and a  NASA funded researcher at the university of Iowa has figured out how to find them.

"We call them x-points or electron diffusion regions," explains plasma physicist Jack Scudder of the university of Iowa."they're places where the magnetic field of earth connects with the magnetic field of sun, creating an un-interrupted path leading from our planet to the atmosphere in sun, 93 million miles away."

These x-points are located few tens of thousands of kilometers from earth, where the magnetic fields of the earth and the sun meets.
These magnetic portals open and close dozens of times each day.
Most portals are short-lived and small.Others are larger sustained portals. Tons of particles travel through these wormholes in either direction, every time one opens. It is this feature of wormholes that sparks so much interest in them.

NASA has planned a mission devoted to study the earth's magnetosphere. Named as "Magnetospheric multiscale mission", this mission is set to be launched in 2014 to study this phenomenon.
"In late 1990's , NASA's polar spacecraft spent years in the earth's magnetosphere and it encountered many X-points during its journey" explains Scudder.
The polar spacecraft had sensors similar to the MMS spacecrafts to be launched. Hence, data from this spacecraft could be used to easily locate these X-points and further experimentation would be made easier for the MMS spacecrafts.

The science aside, if tons of particles can travel through these, would it be possible for spaceships to travel in a likewise fashion to far off places? Is this how aliens/extraterrestrials travel to extremely far-off distances? 

Meanwhile, as you ponder on the thought, high above your head, a new portal is opening, connecting your planet to the sun!