Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Introduction to Search Engine Optimization (S.E.O)

S.E.O, Short for "SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION", is being touted as the next big thing on the internet.
The formal definition goes-

"S.E.O stands for search engine optimization. It is the process of getting traffic from "free","organic","editorial" or natural listings of a search engine."

It is the technique (or may i say "art") of enhancing the visibility of a particular website, blog in the search results of a search engine.

Consider this situation -
You have a business you want to promote on the internet, so that your customer base,and hence your profit eventually increases.
What you would normally do is create a website or a blog dedicated for promoting your business. This way, all the people who visit your website can get information regarding the services you offer, the products you offer etc etc.

 Now the question that arises here is,"How would people find your website?" , "How would they know of your website's "existence"? One simple answer is through the largest data distribution machine on the planet, "GOOGLE"!

Now the problem that arises here is that, all over the world there may be thousands of 
businesses which share the same name as yours. Hence, your website's position in the search result of google will be somewhere in the last few pages of the search result. 

To avoid this scenario, search engine optimization is practiced, to make your website famous on the internet, without paying for advertisements. 

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Hidden Portals within the Earth?

During the time it takes to read this article, high up in the atmosphere, something will happen. A portal will open, linking the earth to a location 93 million miles away.

Yes, you can stop laughing. Because it really will, as it turns out!

The human race, has come a long way from inventing the wheel to proving what was touted as science "fiction" as "facts".
Mainstream science is now discovering new concepts which will change our basic understandings of the universe we see around us. 
Artist rendition of earths magnetic field being connected to sun.
A "wormhole", often featured in sci-fi flicks, are supposed to be hypothetical tunnels through the space-time fabric, which link extremely far-off locations.

Portals do actually exist, sort-of and a  NASA funded researcher at the university of Iowa has figured out how to find them.

"We call them x-points or electron diffusion regions," explains plasma physicist Jack Scudder of the university of Iowa."they're places where the magnetic field of earth connects with the magnetic field of sun, creating an un-interrupted path leading from our planet to the atmosphere in sun, 93 million miles away."