Thursday, 18 July 2013

Real life "Superman" Technology to store 360TB data forever!

FACT : The memory crystals you saw in the latest superman movie, the ones containing the history of superman's planet krypton? Well, we humans now possess that kind of technology!  

Researchers at the University of Southampton claim to have made a ground-breaking breakthrough in computer technology. Data storage technologies to be exact. 

This small disc can accommodate data worth 2,800 Blu-Ray discs for millions of years !
Coined as "Superman Memory Crystals" after the memory crystals in the movie "Superman" containing the history and knowledge of the planet "Krypton", these 5-D memory  discs, are the only human technology with the ability to even outlive the human race! Even without losing any data stored in it, Thus giving us a chance to preserve all that we've learned almost eternally, thereby giving a chance to other intelligent life forms which come across it to learn about us.