Sunday 23 June 2013

Time Travelling Particles


FACT:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     PARTICLES KNOWN AS "HIGGS SINGLETS" CAN BE USED AS "TELEPHONES" TO SEND MESSAGES THROUGH TIME INTO THE PAST OR FUTURE!

Isn't it amazing how rapidly mankind is moving forward with discovering more and more about science?
It was just in 1969 that mankind stepped on to the moon. Now we're talking about travelling through time!

A group of scientists at the CERN laboratories theorize that a particle known as "HIGGS SINGLET"  travel through the fifth dimension (the first, second, third and fourth being length, breadth, height and time respectively, which we all live in).

With the discovery of higgs boson, or "god particle", if you may, many scientists are highly positive on finding this sub-atomic part of the higgs boson.

This particle enters the fifth dimension and then may pop back into our dimensions a bit back or ahead in time, i.e effectively travelling through time. This particle, may even be travelling through time right now as you read this!